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      Rosa rugosa
    Rugosa Rose ( Sitka Rose, Japanese Rose )
       Deciduous Shrub
HEIGHT:5 - 7 feet
SPREAD:4 - 7 feet
DISTINCTIONS:Fragrant, single pink flowers; repeat blooming; large edible orange-red hips in the fall; very hardy; tolerant of salt spray.
LIMITATIONS:Thorny; survives in INT only in the warmest sites; thrives in SE.
ORIGIN:Japan, Korea, and Northern China
CULTIVARS:‘Alba’ single white flowers; large orange-red hips; poor vigor.; ‘Agnes’ Rosa rugosa x Rosa foetida ‘Persiana’; double creamy yellow, fragrant flowers.; ‘Belle Poitevine’ semi-double pink flowers; large orange-red hips.; ‘Betty Bugnet’ tried in Fairbanks.; ‘Blanc Double de Coubert’ Rosa rugosa x ‘Sombreuil’; fragrant, double white flowers; good fall leaf color; sterile hips.; ‘Dart’s Dash’ fragrant, double mauve flowers; 4' x 4'.; ‘David Thompson’ double magenta flowers; 4' x 4'.; ‘F. J. Grootendorst’ Rosa rugosa ‘Rubra’ x ‘Mme. Norbert Levasseur’; small red fringed flowers; no fragrance; short lived plant; marginally hardy in Zone 3.; ‘Hansa’ double magenta, fragrant flowers; large red hip.; ‘Henry Hudson’ semi-double white flowers; 3' x 4'.; ‘Lac Majeau’ semi-double white; very fragrant; excellent in INT but difficult to locate source.; ‘Lac LaNonne’.; ‘Martin Frobisher’ soft pink flowers; red canes; attractive yellow speckled leaves in the fall; red winter stems; few thorns.; ‘Max Graf’ pink flowers; trailing stems; marginally hardy in SC.; ‘Pink Grootendorst’ Rosa rugosa ‘Rubra’ x ‘Mme. Norbert Levasseur’; small pink fringed flowers; no fragrance; short lived plant; marginally hardy in Zone 3.; ‘Rubra’ dark pink-purple single flowers.; ‘Rugelda’ nicely shaped yellow flowers.; ‘Rugosa Magnifica’ double dark magenta flowers show yellow stamens; large orange hip.; ‘Sir Thomas Lipton’ double white flowers; poor vigor.; ‘Therese Bugnet’ medium pink double flowers; strongly fragrant; gray-green leaves turn red in fall; canes are red in winter; few thorns; extremely hardy.
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The information for this Deciduous Shrub (267) was last updated on: 2010-12-30 18:04:42
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