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      Syringa vulgaris
    Common Lilac ( Old Fashioned Lilac, French Hybrid Lilac )
       Deciduous Shrub
HEIGHT:8 - 15 feet
SPREAD:6 - 15 feet
DISTINCTIONS:Heart-shaped leaves; extremely fragrant flowers;
LIMITATIONS:Susceptible to powdery mildew; hardiness variable by variety; needs full sun for best flowering; pH 6.0-7.5; gets leggy with age without renewal pruning; suckering habit; susceptible to lilac leaf miner in SE; no fall color.
ORIGIN:Southeastern Europe
CULTIVARS:Over 1,000 cultivars available.; ‘Agincourt Beauty’ deep violet flowers, largest florets of all lilacs; less suckering habit.; ‘Avalanche’ upright to rounded habit; large white flowers; powdery mildew resistant.; ‘Beauty of Moscow’ (Krasavitsa Moskvy’) heavy bloomer, double white flowers with a pink blush, pink buds.; ‘Congo’ extremely fragrant magenta blossoms.; ‘Edith Cavell’ double white flowers; powdery mildew resistant.; ‘Charles Joly’ strongly fragrant, double lavender pink flowers; fairly resistant to powdery mildew.; ‘Katherine Havemeyer’ large, double pink flowers flushed with mauve; powdery mildew resistant.; ‘Ludwig Spaeth’ purple flowers.; ‘Madame Lemoine’ vigorous; considered one of the best double white flowers; powdery mildew resistant.; ‘Monge’ very prolific bloomer; deep intense purple flowers.; ‘President Grevy’ large, double blue flowers.; ‘President Lincoln’ blue flowers; powdery mildew resistant.; ‘Primrose’ pale creamy white flowers, yellow in bud; powdery mildew resistant.; ‘Sarah Sands’ red-purple flowers.; ‘Sensation’ deep purple flowers edged in white; powdery mildew resistant.
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The information for this Deciduous Shrub (310) was last updated on: 2011-01-05 18:30:49
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